This is an energetic course exploring the full potential of performers' body as a ‘medium of expression’. You will build a ‘movement toolbox’ to develop your awareness, readiness and responsiveness. Participants will expand their self-awareness, spacial awareness and responsiveness and explore physical approaches to characterisation. This will allow you to find ease of expression, presence, physical instinct and spontaneity. This is an excellent training to expand performers' physical vocabulary.
Awareness: We will focus on how actors work together in relation to one another and the space. We will discover a deeper physical understanding of mind, body and space in performance, and expand our awareness, presence and availability on stage.
Mutuality and Trust: An exploration of trust, availability and awareness through a series of exercises inspired the notion of ‘mutuality’. These series of exercises are inspired by Chiara’s work with Ali Hodge on the ‘core training’; a new methodology of actor training that encourages a profound awareness of inter-relationships.
Physical Approach to Character: We will play with texts, costumes and objects exploring a range of character-led devising methodologies.